RgCON Specializes in furnaces and through inhouse competence and collaborations with renowned design & engineering companies, has the capability to cater to specific and challenging requirements of Clients and perform beyond expectations in various product lines as below. In every product line, for which there is a specific process-know-how and design basis involved, RgCON carefully analyzes and selects the apt technology combination best suited to Clients’ requirements taking the technical, economic, feasibility and operational aspects of the project into account. RgCON is in constant search for next-generation technologies that help reduce the OPEX in the long run and provide a tangible benefit for the Clients who choose to repose confidence and trust in us. RgCON strives to develop new designs in types listed below and make them techno-economically competitive for our Clients with ambitious targets under development. RgCON is constantly working together with competent professionals to continuallyinnovate, implement and improvise. RgCON strongly believes in the 3Ps. Patience. Perseverance. Persistence. We employ such passion in utilizing all talents at our disposal and seek feedback from professionals operating our furnaces in the field and make their practical and valuable suggestions a part of our improvements to the ultimate benefit of our Clients.
RgCON's design capabilities, own technologies together with the technologies available with collaborating companies are listed briefly here below:
Basic System
Process Type
Furnace Roof Types
Furnace Shell Types
Re-baked (Graphite/Carbon)/Self-Baking/Composite
Furnace Controllers
(*) RgCON can offer technology in collaboration with partner companies.
Ferro Alloys are the mandatory additives that give Steel the desired qualities and thus an important and inalienable part of Steel making. They are mainly categorized as Bulk Ferro Alloys and Noble Ferro Alloys**. The furnaces use self-baked Soderberg electrodes. RgCON furnaces are designed to capably produce all bulk ferro alloys and similar power intensive commercial products namely:
Pig Iron
FeSi and Si-Metal have the option of collecting fume silica which is a marketable product when densified* to 600kg/m3.
(*) RgCON can offer micro-silica densification units in collaboration with partner company.
(**) RgCON can offer technology for Noble Alloys namely as below, in collaboration with partner companies:
Silicon Metal is an alloy that has wide and far-reaching application. Extremely power intensive and important component in the composition of many premium products including, industrial, aeronautical, aesthetic, prosthetic, electronics, space flight etc. The furnaces use electrodes of pre-baked Carbon. RgCON has ventured recently into Silicon Metal furnaces and the furnaces can produce Silicon Metal of various grades namely:
Si 553MG
Si 2202MG
Si 3303MG
Si 1101MG
Normally the furnaces produce 553MG Silicon Metal. The refined grades such as 2202MG, 3303MG, 1101MG are produced through refining process*. The fumes are saleable when densified* to 600kg/m3.
(*) RgCON can offer technology for refining and fume silica densification in collaboration with partner company.
RgCON has ventured recently into Titanium Slag furnaces*. Ti-Slag is an important component in the composition of many high strength products including, industrial, aeronautical, electronics, space flight, paints & pigments etc. The slag can be produced in both AC & DC Arc Furnaces. The furnaces use prebaked Graphite electrodes. The process* is rather a specialty although the look & feel of the furnaces seem similar to Submerged Arc Furnaces used for producing Ferro Alloys and Silicon Metal. The furnaces can produce Titanium Slag of different grades namely:
Easier to produce in the furnaces is the TiO2_85% slag. The higher grades need more careful process control. Higher furnace ratings are best done in DC Arc furnaces instead of conventional AC Arc furnaces which do well till small sizes without any issues. But beyond a certain capacity, DC does better than AC. Pig Iron is a by-product thereby making Ti-Slag a uniquely positioned product is envisage as the by-product too is saleable at good rates, where all other bulk processes have not much use for Slags or by-products other than cheap sale or dispose-off.
(*) RgCON can offer technology of AC & DC Arc Furnaces for Ti-Slag in collaboration with partner companies.
RgCON will be venturing into Copper Blister & Cobalt Smelting furnaces*. Copper is the industry’s gold as the popular caption goes. Cobalt has very special applications where it is almost irreplaceable. Copper & Cobalt smelting can be done in RgCON’s AC SAFs. The furnaces use prebaked Graphite electrodes.
(*) RgCON can offer technology for Copper-Cobalt Smelting in collaboration with partner companies.
RgCON is proud to offer a vast array of goods & services that can all be tailored to best suit the needs & requirements of Clients, while keeping in line with the prevailing codes & practices of India or the country where the project is proposed. RgCON can offer designs, engineering, equipment conforming to reputed and internationally recognized codes of practices such as:
Carbides can be of various types and compositions. The Carbides known in our field of work are Calcium Carbide and Silicon Carbide*. Calcium Carbide is more of an intermediary product if used to produce Silicon Calcium, has applications in manufacture of acetylene gas, fertilizers, steel making. The furnaces use self-baked Soderberg electrodes. Silicon Carbide on the other hand is an entirely different process with a batch process rectangular furnace with anode-cathode principle. Silicon Carbide has applications in float glass production, abrasives, refractories, electronics, ignitors in gas heaters, glass melting, non-ferrous metals. Calcium Carbide can be produced in RgCON ’s AC SAFs and Silicon Carbide can be produced in furnaces designed by RgCON in collaboration with partner companies.
(*) RgCON can offer SiC production units in collaboration with partner company.